Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bad Raichael!

Oh brother -- haven't blogged since SUNDAY! As B'Ster would say "Bad News Bears!" I'm not really sure I'm going to be able to remember everything since then but I'll give it a go.

I will start by saying I have not seen the inside of my gym since Sunday morning... The old me would justify it or make excuses, but there are none to be had. Monday night I was just lazy and knew B'Ster wasn't going to be home so I wanted some time to myself, Tuesday night I wanted to spend time with B'Ster and yesterday (although I had every intention of going) I couldn't tear myself away from the renovations we are doing around the house. At least yesterday I did something physical.

Somehow though I managed to also lose complete track of my eating this week. I haven't eaten nearly enough carbs to maintain my energy and the food that I have actually been eating has been fairly terrible. I can't even remember what I had for dinner on Monday so my numbers are all over the place!

Monday was a long day at work. First day back after a weekend usually is. Got quite a bit done however and felt accomplished. It was my first Monday since January without class (I have a two week break before summer session starts) and because of that I just didn't feel like going to the gym. I went home, curled up on the couch with some sort of food I'm sure and watched TV until B'Ster got home.

Food Diary:
  • Breakfast: Honey nut cheerios, black coffee
  • Snack: 2 rice cakes w/1 tbls low fat peanut butter eac
  • Lunch: 3oz turkey burger w/1 tbls ketchup; 1 cup pasta salad
  • Snack: Pure Protein bar - chocolate & peanut butter flavored
  • Dinner: I truly don't remember!

Carb/Fat/Protein Breakdown (not counting dinner)

  • Fat: 27.9% - under goal
  • Carb: 47.1% - under goal
  • Protein: 25.0% - under goal
    (**it seems a little strange to me that some days I eat 21% protein and I meet goal (see Tuesday) but today I'm under ... I still haven't figured out the tracking)


  • Zip, Zero, Nada ....

Tuesday was a better day at work, my boss asked me to do a mailing to roughly 800 people so the majority of my day was consumed with reorganizing my list, creating the mail merge and the scouring the office looking for the appropriate labels. I spent about 3 hours on that project alone (and it continues today) so that was great. I was able to get out for a quick walk at lunch, in the freezing cold ... I don't know what's going on but seriously we're half way into May - where is the warmth?

Food Diary:

  • Breakfast: Honey nut cheerios, black coffee
  • Snack: 2 rice cakes w/1 tbls low fat peanut butter each
  • Lunch: 1 can tuna fish 1/2 tbls Light Miracle Whip on a small hot dog bun; 1 cup pasta salad
  • Snack: Nothing
  • Dinner: 4 (yes that's FOUR) pieces Domino's pepperoni pizza

Carb/Fat/Protein Breakdown:

  • Fat: 28.1% - met goal
  • Carb: 50.1% - met goal
  • Protein: 21.8% - met goal
    (see why I'm confused, something isn't jiving here with the numbers ... perhaps I'm doing something wrong? -- also while I managed to meet all my goals, I went over in calories due to the very unhealthy nature of my food)


  • Quick (20 minute) walk at lunch

Wednesday I took the day off from work. With everything that went down last week I really needed the mental health day, plus B'Ster needed my help to finish putting the flooring down on our new deck! We woke up around 8am, made breakfast together, watched some old school TV (Fresh Prince & Saved By the Bell) and then headed outside at 9am to get started. We worked straight through until 7pm only stopping once for a quick lunch and to run to Home Depot for more supplies. By the time I had finished cooking dinner and we ate, we were exhausted! A very productive day nevertheless!

Food Diary:

  • Breakfast: 1 egg + 1/4 cup egg white scrambled w/2 oz mozz. cheese; 1/2 hamburger bun grilled; black coffee
  • Snack: 1 Nature's Valley Peanut Butter granola bar
  • Lunch: 1 piece Domino's pepperoni pizza
  • Snack: handful of Triscuit thin crisps
  • Dinner: Cajun Shrimp Stir Fry w/brown rice

Carb/Fat/Protein Breakdown:

  • Fat: 31.6% - under goal
  • Carbs: 39.7% - under goal
  • Protein: 28.7% - met goal
    (just adding to my confusion regarding the numbers... I think I'm going to have to spend more time looking at them)


  • Does working on the deck, lifting 2x8's all day count for anything?

And today is a new day ... so far food wise I've been good and I'm going to go to the gym after work and try to get in two set of body parts to make up for my lack of intense exercise this week ... I have to get back on track - I keep letting stupid things sideline me and if I continue going like this I'll never meet my ultimate goal...

Stay Strong!
xoxox Raich

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